Fosscomm 2014 Event Report

Fosscomm 2014 is over, and it’s time for the usual event report. Fosscomm is the annual meeting of Greek FOSS Communities. Every year we meet, share our knowledge, news regarding our favourite projects, run a lot of sessions and of course workshops. FOSSCOMM is a really good place for seeking contributors while there are a lot of hackers and developers who come to contact their favourite projects.This 2-day event was hosted in Lamia, in Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Lamia.

Fedora DVD

As part of the Fedora project, we had quite a nice presence there. I organised a talk withJiannis Bonatakis making an introduction about Christos Bacharakis also organised a workshop on how to build your own Fedora Remix using Okeanos, an IaaS, which was quite interesting, since I hadn’t watched a similar workshop before. Take a look in the Fedora wiki about Fosscomm 2014 and Fedora’s presence there.

I didn’t like the organisation though. The site was build only 2 months before the conference took place, if I am not mistaken, which is unacceptable. Overall it had nothing to do with last year’s Fosscomm in Athens. Fosscomm 2013 attracted a lot more attendees and speakers, but it was held in Athens, the capital of Greece, and not a small city like Lamia.

However, I only stayed one day (Saturday). I had my finals in a month, so I arrived in Lamia in Saturday morning for my talk with Jiannis Bonatakis, and then I returned by train in Athens the same evening. The rest of the Fedora Ambassadors stayed both days.

Overall, many things could have been improved. The attendees were not so much as the previous Fosscomm in Athens. The reason for this, is because it was hosted in Lamia, and it wasn’t that easy for someone from Athens or Thessaloniki to attend. Anyway, looking forward for the next Fosscomm! The location for the next conference is not yet determined.
