Fedora Magazine Updates – May 2014

Initially we didn’t set up the Magazine to scale up in cases of traffic, and eventually the Magazine died in November 2013, when we posted the Fedora 20 Announcement. We also posted the link of the announcement to our social media channels, and you can only imagine the amount of traffic we got that day. At first the page took 15 seconds to load, and after a few hours the Magazine showed a 503 error. This has also happen in the past, when similar announcements were posted.

Chris then made a new scalable app in Openshift, so the Magazine could handle the traffic. Because of the way the Magazine was originally built, Chris faced some errors when trying to migrate the database, so we manually created new administrator and editor accounts, and we imported the posts with the default WordPress exportation tool. We requested more gears from Openshift, and now the Magazine can scale up to 16 large gears. The new App has been running smoothly for some time now with absolutely no problems. The Magazine now scales up and uses more gears when needed, and then it scales back down.

This was a good chance to get rid of the Slideshow we had in the front page, which caused many problems when we were trying to add more images. Ryan Lerch a few months later started to work on a revised theme, based on the Original one that the Design team choose. Now it has been pushed into production, and there have been many improvements. The Git Repo of the theme can be found here

Along with the new theme, we also changed the Magazine logo, and we also added the ‘Contribute to the Magazine’ link, so you can contact us for suggestions of new posts.
