Flock 2014: Updates

Flock 2014will be held in Prague on the 6-9 August — that is less than a month away!

In case you don’t know, Flock is a conference for Fedora contributors and users to come together, discuss new ideas, work to make those ideas a reality, and continue to promote the core values of the Fedora community: Freedom, Friends, Features, and First.

The schedule for Flock is published, and we are going to have many talks & workshops this year. We are using sched to host the schedule, which makes things quite easy. By logging in to your sched account (it’s quite easy to make an account in case you don’t already have one from last year’s flock 😉 ) you can choose which talks & workshops you will attend, and of course see the description of each session along with the speaker. The night events though are not yet announced.

In case you are coming and haven’t booked a hotel yet, hurry and make your reservation as soon as possible, because it is not guaranteed that you will find a room if you make your reservation at the last moment. You can view our recommendations for accommodation in this page. There is also a page wiki page, where you can find people that are looking for a roommate.

Even if you don’t make it this year, there is no reason to be sad! The whole conference will be covered with live streaming, and after a specific session, it will be directly uploaded in our youtube channel. There will also be meeting recordings in IRC channels for each room, so that remote attendees can ask questions to speakers.

But the live streaming will not be possible without your help. If you are attending Flock, please volunteer for running the camera and checking that streaming runs smoothly, for the sessions that you will attend. You can see more information on how to contribute in this page.

If you are virtually attending Flock 2014, the links for the live streaming and the IRC channels for each room will be posted the previous day, and probably will be stickied in the top of the Magazine page, so it can be easily accessible to anyone

Finally, an email was sent out to the list, asking for people that have registered at the flock website to delete their registration if they will eventually not make it, because badges are being printed out.

See you there!
