Fedora @ DORS/CLUC 2015

2 Weeks ago I had the chance to go to Zagreb, Croatia, in order to attend DORS/CLUC (Croatian Linux Users’ Conference) as a speaker. The 3-day conference took place at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, in Zagreb.

Croatia is one of the countries that Fedora currently doesn’t have an active community, and it’s making it’s first steps. I was joined by Zoltan Hoppar and Gergely Rakosi from Hungary, and we traveled to Zagreb together. Thanks to Gergely, we managed to have a very nice booth! We had 3 TV-Monitors, a Raspberry Pi, roll-up banners, plenty of Fedora DVDs, stickers and pins. The XO laptop that we demonstrated at our booth(featuring the Fedora SoaS Fedora Spin), made people very curious, and they showed particular interest at the device.

We also had a DJ controller connected to a 27″ Monitor and a set of speakers in our booth, and from time to time when Gergely was mixing music, people were coming by and started mixing too (needless to say that everything was running on Fedora, and was completely Free & Open)

I had a talk on the second day of the conference. I talked about the fedora.next initiative, and what has changed in Fedora since Fedora 21. I also talked about Fedora 22, which would be released 1 week after the conference, and I mentioned the features of the new release. Zoltan also had a talk about contributing to the Fedora Project, and Gergely had a talk and a workshop about Games in Fedora.

In general we had a very good presence, and people showed interest in contributing to the Project, as they were coming by our booth and asking us how they can contribute and spread the word about Fedora. People asking us about translations, and some were interested in joining the translation sub-project and start translating some Fedora Websites in the Croatian Language, while others were interested in joining the infrastructure group, and they were asking us if they set up their FAS account correctly, and what they should do next. Finally, we gave a bunch of swag and media to a guy from a small hackerspace in a nearby city.

I was very glad to be part of this conference! Many thanks to the Organizers and Svebor Prstacic, for inviting the Fedora Project to DORS/CLUC, and of course to Gergely Rakosi and Zoltan Hoppar from the Hungarian Community for the participation. I hope to see you guys again next year!

Full Album on Flickr.
