Fedora 3D Printing Workshop

On December 8th, we had our first Fedora 3D Printing workshop at the University of the Aegean. The event was hosted at fossaegean, a physical space in our university dedicated to Free and Open Source Software. We kicked off the 3D printing workshops for this academic year with this event, featuring Fedora.

The workshop started with a small intro to Fedora by me, explaining it’s core values and the 4 Foundations. I explained the history of Fedora and 3D printing, practically how it was the go-to distribution to design and slice (with slic3r) designs for 3D printing in Linux, when 3D printing started to become mainstream. Also it was quite convenient that all the necessary packages that someone needed to design and prepare the files for the printer were in the official repos of Fedora.

Moving on, Christos Christou and Giorgos Nikou started the 3D printing workshop. They explained the different types of printing, the type of material that can be used, etc. Our space is equipped with the Anet A8, which costs ~140€, a great entry level printer if you want to start messing around with 3D printing. After the presentation, we saw how to get a design (.stl file) from thingverse, the biggest community to share/get 3D printed assets under a creative commons license, and then slice it (prepare it) for our printer.

Finally, we printed 3 custom designed Fedora keyrings, that we then gave them away to our members. Among our audience was even a professor from the Mathematical department of our university. The event was quite a success and I would be more than happy to help organize something similar again.
