Fedora EMEA Budget Report for Q1 - FY17

The 1st Quarter(March-May 2016) of FY2017 is over, and it’s time for a detailed report to be published of what we spent as a region. Budget reports should be published from the regional treasurers at the end of the quarter, now that we shifted to Budget.next.

Our proposed budget for FY17 was reduced dramatically, from $35,750 to $21,650 , and all proposals were reduced by nearly 40%. That means that if you are planning to participate in an event, we might not be able to sponsor you if your event was not included in the budget proposal

Regarding EMEA, for Q1 we spent a total of $3,219.13, from the $4,754 that we could use for this quarter, ending up with a margin of + $1,534.87.

It’s also important to notice that:

You can download the full report for Q1 here or in pagure. As always, you can find the Budget for FY17 in this Google Spreadsheet.
